The Process

First Week

Monday morning we label and take down the doors and drawers and bring them to the workshop.  All hinges are labeled, bagged and placed in the corresponding cabinet or drawer.

Tues- Friday

Off-Site Process

Doors will be thoroughly cleaned, sanded, rinsed and prime/sealed. Once the primer/sealer is dried, all pieces will be sanded. Once an optimal surface has been reached, the color coat will be sprayed. Product typically used is a pigmented poly industrial coating unless otherwise specified. If glazes and distressed finish are being applied, a protective clear coat will be sprayed.

Second Week

On-Site Process

Monday the prep work begins on the boxes and frames. 

For a sprayed on-site finish, all surfaces and floors within the spray booth will be protected with a combination of tape, plastic and paper. All openings will be masked. Once all areas are protected and a zip wall is put in place, the surfaces will be sanded using a HEPA dust extracting and minimizing sanding system.  After all surfaces are sanded, they will be wiped down to remove any excess dust.

For a brush and rolled on-site finishes, all the above applies except for the masking of boxes and frames. Surfaces will be protected with less intrusive steps. There will be multiple sanding between coats to minimize brush strokes and roller texture.

Once surfaces are completely prepared, a primer/sealer coat will be sprayed (or brushed and rolled). Once dried, the surfaces will be sanded smooth. Open grain cabinets will receive coats of primer/sealer to help minimize the appearance of grain. At no point will the grain be filled 100%.

Prep and masking can take anywhere between 1-3 days depending on the scale  of the kitchen.

Typically, Wed-Thurs, the pigmented poly coat will be applied. Once dried, the unmasking and clean up will take place and typically by Fri of the second week, the doors and drawers are rehung and you can start enjoying your beautiful new kitchen.